Leen & Olivier
We are a Belgian couple who moved from Leuven, Belgium to California, USA in 2010.
In the beginning it was a big adventure to get settled and get used to the new life in the United states with all the cultural and natural differences. Nowadays we enjoy living in the bay area and having such a good time that we decided to stay a few years to stay longer ...
We started this blog to keep our family and friends up to date about our last experiences and trips. But it also became a platform with tips and information about travel destinations as well as 'things to know before you come' for fellow expats.
Because my main audience is based in dutchspeaking countries (Belgium and the Netherlands), this blog is written in dutch or flemish to be specific. But it is still possible to read it in your own language. To know more, go to the language tab
We zijn een Belgisch koppel dat in 2010 verhuisd is naar California, USA.
In het begin was alles een groot avontuur om ons nieuw leven hier op te bouwen en gewend te geraken aan de culturele en materiƫle verschillen. Ondertussen voelen we ons thuis in de bay area en hebben we het hier zo goed naar onze zin dat we besloten hebben om nog een paar jaartjes langer te blijven...

and I am currently exploring the national parks at the West coast of the United States.