Tijdens een beetje surfen op internet kom ik te weten dat zaterdag 27 februari een nieuw record van regen is gevallen dit jaar, maar in 2005 nog iets meer... Juist wanneer wij daar zijn, typisch!
Maar het voordeel is wel dat Lake Manly terug is en dat dit niet veel kan gezien worden, maar wij dat toch lekker wel gezien hebben :) en heb ook nog het road conditions rapport opgezocht van dit weekend.
Wildflower update March 2, 2010
The rainstorms keep coming to Death Valley with perfect gentleness and frequency. A storm at the end of February brought 0.44 inches of rain to Furnace Creek and 0.29 inches to Scotty’s Castle. The “tiny specks of green” are now proper little plants in many locations, and are growing quickly with the warming air and soil temperatures. Additional seeds have sprouted between the original ones, which promises not only more flowers but also staggers the blooming time. At the current rate, the number of sprouts suggests the bloom may be thicker and more spectacular than anticipated earlier. The peak bloom should be at the end of this month into mid April.
In canyon mouths and washes where extra water has flowed, shrubs and perennials are showing early growth and flower buds. On alluvial fans, the creosote bush have lush foliage and their yellow flowers add a subtle touch of color.
Lake Manly may still be shallow, but the first kayakers have managed to ply its saline waters. A boat with a shallow draft and a willingness to wade out to launch are necessary for a successful below-sea-level voyage.
Rainfall Totals 2010
Furnace Creek: 3.09 inches
Scotty’s Castle: 4.22 inches
Rainfall Totals 7/1/2009 to Present
Furnace Creek: 3.18 inches
Scotty’s Castle: 5.38 inches
Volgens wikipedia: "the average annual precipitation in Death Valley (Greenland Ranch Station) is 1.58 inches (4.00 cm). The wettest month on record is January 1995 when 2.59 inches (6.57 cm) fell on Death Valley. The wettest period on record was mid 2004 to mid 2005, in which nearly 3 feet of rain fell in total, leading to ephemeral lakes in the valley and the region and tremendous wildflower blooms.In 2005, severe flooding resulted in Lake Manly reappearing on a large scale. More than 100 square miles (260 km 2) were covered by the lake, allowing some tourists and park rangers to become probably the only humans to canoe across Death Valley. The lake was about two feet at its deepest point. It evaporated quickly, leaving behind a mud-salt mixture."
Voor een paar rampfoto's van die periode klik hier
Het bulletin van het visitor center CURRENT ROAD CONDITIONS February 27, 2010
Blijkt dat de meeste wegen in bergen toe zijn door sneeuw en beneden zijn de canyons toe door modder en flooding. Dat staat dus gelijk aan enkel de hoofdwegen die open zijn en zelfs Mosaic en Salt creek waar wij nog gepasseerd zijn, zijn afgesloten :((Hebben wij dus nog chance gehad dat we uit de modder zijn geraakt)
This report will be updated as conditions change. All other park roads are open and in standard condition.
Aguereberry Point Road - CLOSED due to snow and ice.
Dante's View Road - CLOSED due to snow and ice.
Devil's Golf Course Road - CLOSED due to mud.
Emigrant Canyon Road - CLOSED due to snow and ice.
Hunter Mountain Road - CLOSED; impassable due to deep snow.
Keane Wonder Mine Road - CLOSED; road and mining area closed to all entry due to safety hazards.
Mustard Canyon Road - CLOSED due to mud.
Racetrack Road - Open; Racetrack Playa is flooded and muddy
Saline Valley Road (North Pass) - CLOSED due to heavy snow and ice.
Saline Valley Road (South Pass) - CLOSED due to heavy snow and ice.
Scotty's Castle / Bonnie Clare Road - Open; expect delays and 24-hour controlled traffic due to road construction through the winter and spring seasons.
Titus Canyon Road - CLOSED due to flood damage and mud. Two-way section from Scotty's Castle Road is open but damaged due to flood.
Twenty Mule Team Canyon Road - CLOSED due to mud.
Ubehebe Crater Road - CLOSED through March, 2010 due to road construction.
West Side Road - CLOSED due to flood damage and mud.
Wildrose Canyon Road - CLOSED due to flood damage.
Wildrose Charcoal Kilns Road - CLOSED due to snow and ice.
Saltcreek CLOSED due to mud
Mosaic Canyon CLOSED due to flood damage and mud
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